January 25, 2012

Rincon Part Deux

Rincon, Puerto Rico left such a positive impression in November that I was drawn back... this time with my friend Adrian. With my return, I have begun to think about why I like it here so much.
1) It somehow reminds me of Hawaii. (Maui or Kauai) Rincon is a sleepy town. Not too pretentious and laid back.
2) While surfing, the locals are not agro. I don't feel the hostility that I feel in New York. Perhaps because there are so many great breaks here so no one is greedy. Also, because I believe that people surf how they drive.
3) On land, people are generally friendly. But I will say that there are a lot of white folk around.
Overall, this surf trip has been a great one. The only thing missing were customized hats for Adrian and I. Mine would had read, "He's not my boyfriend!" and his would have read, "She is not my girlfriend...and I am single".

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